UPDATE: We have finalized our forest farming mentorship cohorts for 2023/2024 and are no longer accepting applications.
**Paid Forest Farming Mentor and Mentee Opportunities**
The NFFC is looking for a diverse group of participants for a Forest Farming Mentorship Program that will support 10 beginning forest farmers in the northeast by pairing them with experienced forest farming mentors willing to provide knowledge and support through one-on-one consultations and group workshops (all virtual).
This mentorship program will begin in the winter/early spring of 2023, where mentees will have 3 online consultation sessions with their mentors before providing feedback to the NFFC around what topics they would like to see covered in a mentorship webinar series. In the winter/early spring of 2024, mentees will have another 3 online consultation sessions with mentors in addition to participating in 5 group webinars (attended by all mentees and mentors, as well as any guest speakers) designed to cover topics determined by mentees. Topics might range from acquiring planting stock, business planning, sales and value added products, long-term stewardship, and other topics. At the end of the webinar series, mentees will receive a $500 farmer stipend to go towards start-up costs for their new forest farming operation. Mentors will also receive a $500 stipend as compensation for their time and knowledge.
Find below details on what we are looking for in mentors and mentees and please reach out to northeastforestfarming@gmail.com with questions! Find links to mentor and mentee applications below. Applications due by February 1st, 2023.
*Participating states include Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut per the USDA’s regional guideline of the Northeast.
Interested in being a mentee?
We are looking for 10 mentees that are interested in starting a forest farming operation or incorporating forest farming into their existing business, land management strategy, or livelihood. Whether your interest in forest farming is driven primarily by economics, education, cultural relationships with plants, land stewardship, or other values does not matter. What matters is that you are willing to show up and be an engaged participant for the entirety of the mentorship program! The goal is for mentees to finish the mentorship program with the knowledge to begin their own forest farm.
Mentee benefits:
6 free one-on-one consultations with experienced forest farmer mentor (virtual)
5 free webinar workshops focused on various topics such as planting stock sourcing, business planning, species selection, marketing, etc. (mentees will be involved in choosing webinar topics)
$500 farmer stipend to be spent on forest botanical planting stock and other start-up materials
Mentee expectations:
Willingness to show up for all 5 online webinars
Willingness to engage with mentor for 6 one-on-one consultations (virtual)
Ability to commit to attending all sessions in the program (3 sessions in winter/early spring of 2023 and 8 sessions in winter/early spring of 2024)
Willingness to provide NFFC with insight regarding content of webinar series
Genuine excitement and intention to start or expand a forest farm
Mentee application:
If you are interested in applying to be a mentee, please fill out this application and email any questions to northeastforestfarming@gmail.com.
Interested in being a mentor?
We are looking for experienced forest farmers that are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with beginning forest farmers. We would like to assemble a diverse cohort of mentors that represent the various ways by which people cultivate and use forest botanicals–woods grown or wild-simulated, sold wholesale as medicinals or distributed for cultural purposes. Mentors will be paired with mentees that best match their expertise, values, and perspectives.
Mentor expectations:
At least 5 years of experience in forest farming botanical herbs such as ginseng, goldenseal, black cohosh, bloodroot, ramps, or Solomon’s seal
Ability to give 3 hours of time in winter/early spring of 2023 and winter/early spring of 2024 for private online consultations with mentees
Ability to participate in 5 two-hour online group workshops in winter of 2024
$500 stipend will be provided at the end of the program as compensation
Mentor application:
If you are interested in applying to be a mentor, please fill out this application and email any questions to northeastforestfarming@gmail.com.